Robert Burns Supper 2026

Mark your calendars! January 24th, 2026 has been chosen for next years supper.

The planning committee will start in September, so stay tuned for more dates and information!

Reservations OPEN!

Online reservations are now open for our 2025 Robert Burns Dinner. Click on the link above to start the process. Please remember to include name and email address in the “notes” for our bookkeeping purposes. See you soon!

Burns Dinner 2025

Mark your calendars for February 1st at 4pm at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca in Solon! Stay tuned for registration details coming soon!

Celebrate and learn about Scottish culture and tradition with food, ceremony, and dancing!
Join your local Scottish cultural organization for our annual Robert Burns Dinner.
Robert Burns is considered the national poet of Scotland and a dinner is held in his honor on or near his birthday every year. Like most dinners, ours will feature Scottish food like haggis, ceremonial readings and toasts, bag-piping, and Scottish social dancing. We will also have a raffle and dessert contest.
This is a very family friendly event.

All Scots Picnic

Please join fellow HAGGIS members, along with our sister organizations from around the state for the annual picnic. This year it will be hosted by the Scottish Heritage Society of Iowa on Sunday, July 7th, at Greenwood Park in Urbandale. More details will be added closer to the event.

A Gathering of Celts!

Celtic Picnic

We’ve been contacted regarding a possible upcoming event. We are trying
to gauge interest in participation.

The event is a Scottish picnic to be held on Saturday, June 17, 2023, from
approximately 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM. It will be in the Des Moines area
because that is approximately halfway between the easternmost and
westernmost organizations. It will involve the four Iowa Scottish
heritage organizations:

  • H.A.G.G.I.S.
  • The Scottish Society of Nebraska (which includes western Iowa)
  • the Des Moines society
  • the Quad Cities society

If you are interested in learning more, or better still, wish to participate, please contact Susan Kula so we can include you in future discussions.

Annual Members Meeting

Join us for our annual members meeting, Tuesday, February 28th at 7pm via Zoom. All are welcome! Zoom link will be added soon.

Burns Dinner 2023 is in a NEW location!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 21st, 2023. Location will be Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca, 3271 Sandy Beach Rd, Solon. The link to purchase tickets will be added to the Burns Dinner tab soon!

Special rules in place for this year’s Burns Supper


first, thanks for your patience with the sudden changes of venue. It was a wild week for the Council, recovering from the loss of TWO venues. We are grateful to the city of Shueyville for stepping into the breach!

But…well, Shueyville is a government, and government facilities have rules. Here’s the run-down:

  1. Smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited anywhere in the Community Center, including surrounding property. If this rule is broken, we will lose our security deposit.
  2. Hard liquor is not permitted, for the same reason — government property. We have arranged to allow beer and wine at this event (at some expense…be sure to thank the Council in general and Lynne in particular).
  3. We can have whiskey as a raffle prize, but the bottle must remain unopened. We will likely stow the bottles somewhere and have a stand-in of sorts at the actual raffle table.


Burns Dinner 2022 is back AND at a new location!

Click HERE for a map to the new venue! 2863 120th St NE, in major metropolitan Shueyville, IA.