Upcoming Events and Info

Dear HAGGIS members,

Here is some information relating to the most recent council meeting, and upcoming events:

1) EVENT: Bloomsday Kilt Krawl, Friday, June 17th, 7pm, starting at Parlor City
Join us as we celebrate our Irish roots HAGGIS-Style! Bloomsday is a commemoration and celebration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce during which the events of his novel Ulysses (which is set on 16 June 1904) are relived. We will be celebrating by doing a pub crawl (in kilts) around Cedar Rapids, while reading from Joyce’s famous novel, Ulysses.

*Part of our new focus for this year is to reach a wider audience by appealing to ALL things Celtic. We want to be very inclusive and welcoming to new members, so look forward to lots of different kinds of events that reflect holidays and traditions of all the Celtic Isles…including, but not limited to, whiskey tasting, rugby games, solstice potluck, mini golf, Guy Fawkes, tea parties, and fund raisers such as yard sales or kilt-car washes! 🙂

2) Order requests: We are gathering requests to place an order for Iowa Tartan. We are 5 yards short of a minimum of 30 yards to place an order. If you are interested in ordering yards of Iowa Tartan (at $69.95/yard), please let us know so we can get closer to our goal!

3) Eastern Iowa CelticFest: As most of you know, our 2016 CelticFest was canceled due to construction at Squaw Creek Park. What we just learned was that the prices for renting the location we have used for the past 2 years has nearly doubled, making that location no longer viable. Please submit and investigate any suggestions you may have on a location for our festival for 2017. The Cedar Rapids are is most ideal, but we may need to start to search beyond in order to find a suitable and affordable location.